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Hebi Saiker Chemicals Co., Ltd completed the introduction of new shareholders in April 2018. While the company is building new production lines and technically improving old production lines, the company also pays great attention to the construction of party organizations. On April 24, 2018, the "CPC Hebi Saiker Chemicals Co., Ltd  Branch Committee" was formally established to centrally and uniformly manage various party building work such as employee party relations. Party member Guangkun Zhou served as the branch secretary, Party member Xinguo Jia served as the branch organization member, and Party member Xinqi Hu served as the branch propaganda member.

Today, the branch committee of Hebi Saiker Chemicals Co., Ltd of the Communist Party of China has nine party members, five probationary party members, eight party activists, and more than 30 people have submitted party applications to the branch. Since its establishment, the unit has regularly held organization life meetings and party member training meetings. It also learns party and government knowledge on time, implements the party's ideological spirit, and actively develops reserve personnel that meets the requirements to make the branch long-term vitality. It was selected as "Hebi Advanced Party Organization" in 2020, then again in 2021 as "Heshan District's 'Double Strong and Six Good' Grassroots Party Organization."


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