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  • Category:Product introduction
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  • Release time:2022-01-07 10:34:14
  • Product description

Acetonitrile is the main material for the production of 2-methylpyridine. It also can be used an solvents for the synthesis of vitamin A, cortisone, carboamine drugs and their intermediates, as well as active medium solvents for the production of vitamin B1 and amino acids. It can replace chlorinated solvents. It is used in vinyl coatings, fatty acid extractants, alcohol denaturants, butadiene extractants and solvents for acrylonitrile synthetic fibers. It also has many applications in fabric dyeing, lighting, perfumes and photosensitive materials manufacturing.



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Company Tel: 0392-2128831

Shanghai Marketing Center: 021-58431502

Email: saikehuagong@163.com

Company address: Jijiashan Industrial Park, Heshan District, Hebi City, Henan Province

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